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Working with Professionals
Landscape professionals provide many different services. There are landscape architects, landscape designers, landscape contractors, horticulturalists, and arborists. While there is some overlap among these professions, there are also important distinctions:
Consult with your local nursery staff.
Hiring a Landscape Architect Request the architect’s state license number and call the State License Board at (800) 321-2752; or look online to verify that the license is current and in good standing. Request a complete description of the work to be done; quantities and sizes of all materials to be used including plant materials; brand name and type of irrigation equipment; and a landscape water management plan.
Hiring a Landscape Contractor California state law requires anyone who contracts to do landscape work to be licensed by the Contractors State License Board if the total price of the job (including labor and materials) is $500 or more. Licensed contractors are bonded and must complete four years experience at journeyman or higher, in the same trade to apply for a license. Typically, unlicensed persons are not bonded and may not have liability or worker’s compensation insurance. Be aware if you hire an unlicensed person, you may be financially responsible if injuries, fire, or property damage occurs.
Landscape contractor.
California Landscape Contractors Association California Landscape Contractors Association is the nation’s oldest and largest organization of licensed landscape and irrigation contractors and can be reached at (916) 830-2780.
Bids Be certain that each bid lists all the preparatory and finish work that the contractor has suggested including the amounts and types of soil amendments, and brand of irrigation equipment.
Bonding A landscape contractor is required to have a license bond posted with the Contractors State License Board. However, this bond does not ensure that your job will be completed. It’s a good idea to ask your contractor to provide you with a “payment and performance” bond that covers the full price of your job. Although nothing can totally ensure your job will be completed, a payment and performance bond provides a financial guarantee against mechanic’s liens that can be filed against your property by subcontractors or material suppliers should your contractor fail to pay them.
Payment Arrangements If a down payment is required, ask the Contractors State License Board for the maximum that can be charged. Be cautious about contractors who ask for payments prior to beginning the job. Most landscape and irrigation contractors do not require a down payment. Full payment is usually requested on completion of the job, or payment is made in installments if the job will take a period of weeks. Make payments by check or money order, not cash.
Your Contract The law requires that home improvement contracts over $500 be in writing. However, whatever the amount, it is strongly recommended you insist on a written contract for your own protection.
A contract contains the following:
After the contract is signed, any changes that you and the contractor agree to in the work, or materials to be used, must be in writing. The written change order must also include any additions or reductions in the total job price.
If Problems Occur Sometimes, in spite of all the precautions, problems do occur. If this happens, contact your contractor. Usually, problems can be resolved without involving third parties and corrections will be made willingly. If not, file a written complaint with the Contractors State License Board at: Intake & Mediation Center P.O. Box 269116 Sacramento, CA 95826-9116 You can call the Contractors State License Board at (800) 321-2752. The staff helps consumers with questions about contractors and will investigate all valid complaints.
To ensure a quality job, discuss with your contractor any possible inconvenience your landscape project will create. For instance, vehicles may have to be moved and covered to protect them from dust. Make necessary arrangements before the work begins to prevent possible delays or problems. |