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Introduction to Design


You probably have a lot of questions about how to redo your garden, how much it will cost, where to get the plants and equipment, and who can you help you get it all done.  This site will walk you through the process so you get the garden you've always wanted.


Following these steps will help you get organized, develop your landscape and irrigation plans, and install your garden without costly mistakes.


1.Function - You'll need to decide how you want to use your garden, i.e., entertaining, play area for the kids and pets, a peaceful place to read a book, or growing vegetables.  The Questionnaire will help you figure this out.
2.Form Next you'll need to choose plants that fit your needs, aesthetics, soil and site conditions and budget.  The Garden Gallery and Garden Tours will provide you with beautiful examples.
3.Watering Planning your irrigation system is just as important as choosing the right plants.  A well designed and installed system can reduce your water use by 80%.  The Irrigation section will show step-by-step.
4.Fun creating a sustainable landscape should be a labor of love. Get professional help if you need it.


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Photo by Deidra Walpole Photography

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Photo by Deidra Walpole Photography


Photo by City of Santa Monica