Spring Interest

Yucca baccata
Native Plant
Michelia figo
Aurinia saxatilis 'Basket of Gold'
Cordyline baueri
Fragaria chiloensis
Native Plant
Acanthus mollis
Penstemon 'Apple Blossom'
Iris bearded 'Beaucatcher'
Iris bearded 'Bengal Tiger'
Carex divulsa
Native Plant
Iris bearded 'Beverly Sills'
Yucca rostrata
Liriope muscari
Geranium X cantabrigiense 'Biokovo'
Strelitzia reginae
Hemerocallis 'Bitsy'
Aloe ferox
Salvia mellifera
Native Plant
Pittosporum tenuifolium
Acacia melanoxylon
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