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Getting Started


What is Water Wise Landscaping?

Personal and intimate gardens that are in harmony with our local environment, whose benefits far outweigh their impacts on our natural resources.  In essence these gardens are designed for maximum beauty using climate-appropriate plants, minimal water and maintenance.


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How Do I Use This Website?

This site is a one-stop-shop for homeowners, property managers, and landscape professionals to find relevant and detailed information to create beautiful water wise landscapes that thrive in the coastal areas of Los Angeles County.


This website features pictures and explanations for creating the garden of your dreams.  You'll find examples of gardens, plants, irrigation systems, landscape features such as water features and decking, sample plans, graywater systems, cisterns, permeable paving and much more.


Garden Tours - Explore hundreds of beautiful gardens all along the coast of LA County
Garden Gallery - Search by specific features, i.e. side yards, patios, parkways, play areas
Garden Resources - Step-by-step guide to design, installing and maintaining your garden
My Favorites - Save your favorite plants or design features print it and bring to your local nursery or garden center
About Us - The partnering agencies that made this possible



Working With My Existing Garden

Wondering how to get started to make your garden more sustainable? You dont have to do a major renovation.  Here are some ideas that will improve plant health, save water, and reduce run-off.


Tune-up your Irrigation System


On average, 40-70% of a propertys water use is for irrigation.
A typical sprinkler system applies 2-3 times more water than any soil can absorb.
Plants need a balance of oxygen, water and nutrients in the root zone. Overwatering suffocates plants, causes the roots to rot, and makes the plant work harder to survive.
Automatic sprinklers may increase a propertys water by 2-3 times.
An irrigation system that has leaks, broken parts and isnt working properly can be the biggest water-waster of all wasting thousands of gallons each month and costing you money.


To tune-up your system:

Use the Irrigation System Checklist to identify problems.
Make your own repairs or hire someone to do them.  The Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide provides simple ways to fix common problems. The California Landscape Contractors Association can help you find licensed irrigation contractors in your area.
Create a customized watering schedule for your garden and set your controller.  Adjust your controller monthly and turn it off for rain.


Aerate your lawn

Over time, soil compacts and forms an impenetrable surface.  Aeration breaks up the hard surface so the water can soak in to give your lawn more oxygen, nutrients and water.  And you'll see less water running down the street.

For lawns, use a manual coring aerator (available at home improvement stores) or rent a machine either one is easy to use.  Water 1 to 2 days before you plan to aerate to moisten the soil so it doesn't compact around the holes.  Make 2 to 3 passes over each area, with holes about 3-inches apart.
Dont aerate your planter beds, this will disturb the healthy and beneficial ecosystem of earth worms, fungus and bacteria that are vital to healthy soil and happy plants.

Mulch your shrub beds

Water quickly evaporates from bare soil.  Mulch minimizes water loss, helps control weeds, and returns nutrients to the soil as it decomposes.  Keep it replenished it will help your garden look neat and attractive.

Spread a 2 to 3-inch layer of organic mulch in plant beds and around trees.  Keep mulch about 12" away from the base of shrubs and trees to prevent decay and disease.
Suggested brands: B.D. White Company (Torrance)- (310) 370-5511 Fir Walk-On Bark , only available in bulk (by the truck load) and Kellogg Xerimulch - (800) 232-2322

There is no consistency in the industry to the use of the term "walk-on bark." You have to choose on a case-by-case basis. We suggest that you acquire some of one of the two products above and then use it as a basis for comparison for future purchases. You are looking for long, fuzzy shreds with a small amount of flakes and chips; no chunks, no trash, no weeds, no green wood.


Irrigation Upgrades

Irrigation technology is rapidly advancing to meet the needs of sustainable gardens.  If youre ready for a little more challenge, consider upgrading your irrigation components for high-tuned efficiency and performance.  You will find these products at irrigation supply stores, like Ewing, Aqua-Flo, Smith Pipe and Supply.

Use drip irrigation in shrub beds.  Its easy to retrofit your existing sprinklers to drip. The Guidelines for Water-Efficient Irrigation Systems lists the parts and specifications to help you get the job done right.  Using this method may reduce your water use 50% or more.
Install a Smart Controller that automatically adjusts the watering time and frequency based on soil moisture, rain, wind, evaporation and transpiration rates or plant type.  Check out some of the Smart Controllers that are on the market.  Rebates may be available for single and multi-family residential, commercial and municipal sites.  Follow the manufacturers instructions for installation and initial set up.
Change spray heads in lawn and shrub areas to rotary nozzles.  The multi-stream rotators use up to 30% less water than traditional spray heads, because they apply water more slowly and evenly. Rebates may be available for these devices.

Plant Changes

Ready for a new look in your garden, but not ready for a total makeover?  Its easy to change plants in a small area.  Be sure to match sun, water and space needs.

Create a hydrozone in one area of your yard.  A hydrozone is where all the plants have similar water needs so you can water efficiently using the same irrigation valve or station. See the Hydrozone Plan for design ideas.
Select climate-appropriate plants that have low water needs, leaf and flower color you like, and wont grow too big for the spot.  There are hundreds of plants from California and other Mediterranean areas of the world that will thrive.
Work in soil amendments based on your soil analysis to build in nutrients and improve water percolation.
After planting, be sure to mulch and adjust your sprinkler controller for the valve that will water your newly planted area.  Remember, most new plants need a little more water until they get established.  Once they get growing, turn the water down to only what they need.

Design Changes        

If youre ready for your garden transformation, begin your journey with inspiring ideas shown in the Garden Tours and Garden Galleries.