Grab the Water While You Can
Silver Cloud Silverleaf
Silver Carpet Lessingia
Dwarf Japanese Barberry
Silver Cloud Silverleaf

Common name:Silver Cloud Silverleaf
Botanical name:Leucophyllum candidum 'Silver Cloud'

Leucophyllum candidum 'Silver Cloud' is an evergreen shrub. It grows to 5' high and wide, with small white leaves and deep, purple flowers. You will see more blooms after rainfall. This shrub has an irregular shape but looks good in mass plantings if you want contrasting foliage and blooms. It is susceptible to Texas root rot so plant in well drained soil.

Silver Carpet Lessingia

Common name:Silver Carpet Lessingia
Botanical name:Lessingia flilaginifolia 'Silver Carpet'

Silver Carpet Lessingia is one of the best native ground covers for use in large areas. It grows very quickly once established in the ground and requires little to no care. It will tolerate almost regular water to very little. The fuzzy silver foliage remains attractive through most of the year. Small pink to lavender flowers appear on the foliage intermittently throughout the year for added interest. This plant is very vigorous and should not be planted in small areas. It will grow to 6-8" tall.

Dwarf Japanese Barberry

Common name:Dwarf Japanese Barberry
Botanical name:Berberis thunbergii 'Atropurpurea Nana'

This small Barberry is a deciduous plant, only reaching 2' in height.. Foliage is red/purple; bright red berries appear in the fall. It needs full sun to develop the deep red color. Each branch has long thorns so it forms a good barrier.


Grab the Water While You Can

Photographer: Kathleen Moore

Soils and Compost:

Maintain a two to four inch layer of mulch on the soil surface to reduce weeds, infiltrate rain water, and reduce compaction.

Integrated Pest Management:

Drip and other smart irrigation delivers water directly to roots, allowing no excess water for weeds.